Saturday, 18 July 2015

Botwell Church, Botwell Lane, Hayes, Middlesex UB3 2AB

The italics underneath the image of Temple Place describes the conduct of two people who partook in the management of a food handout on behalf of above church. Their conduct was quite obscene and makes me wonder why on earth such people volunteer their services to a charity and then commence to be abusive, insulting and belittling while on the street.
Any gathering of homeless people is apt to be bordering on quarrelsome behaviour due to emotional, drug or alcohol problems. The operators and staff involved in food handouts need to have not only patience but, at least, a modicum of decency and civility about them.
Insulting and abusive staff and volunteers are not only putting themselves at risk but also their colleagues; as well as denigrating the name of the church or charity they operate on behalf of. And that’s to say nothing of the damage they do to an already put-upon community of people.
Temple Place, London. (Image, Google Street View)

Dear sir or madam,
The conduct of two of your volunteers at a food handout on Friday evening, 17 July, 2015 at Temple Place, Victoria Embankment, London was beyond disgusting.
While making my way along the street where this handout was being conducted I found myself following in the footsteps of one of your volunteers who was heading in the same direction. Suddenly this male, seemingly intending to retrace his steps, turned around and walked back towards me.
Instead of stepping around me he walked right up to me and aggressively demanded that I: “get the f***k out of my way, you.” I admonished him for his aggression and rudeness; and he responded to this by demanding to know who I was. I again admonished him, telling him it was none of his business what my name was.  
As way of answer to my second critique he walked about six metres away from me while all the time swearing loudly; he directed obscene unprintable sobriquets upon me. His loudness of voice and fowl language ensured that the many people in the area knew a disturbance was taking place. He then approached a lady and, while looking and pointing in my direction, began talking to her; he was quite obviously telling this female something about me.
The female, after being conversed with by the male, began to laugh and sneer hysterically while at the same time pointing in my direction. It was a belittling and ridiculing laugh; and I have no doubt that she meant for it to demean me, that she intended for it to put me in my place.
I’m inclined to believe that the male’s loudly vocal aggressiveness was purposeful in that he wanted to attract others into this verbal brawl which he had started, and which he needlessly extended.       
The male and female both had strong Irish accents and I’ll point out that their conduct was not just utterly immoral but also very foolish. Neither of these people would have saw me before or would have known me. It’s disgusting that they’ll seemingly use your church, and the other volunteers, as a launch pad from which to belittle and abuse people.
Their abusive carry on is also the height of foolishness as at any food handout there will nearly always be found people who have emotional, drug and alcohol problems. And I was extremely fearful that these two disgusting and abusive people, through their loudness and their sly, tacit accusation that I was the originator of this obscene row, were going to draw members of the homeless community into the verbal fracas and perhaps exacerbate it into a physical confrontation.