Thursday, 5 September 2019

Mgr Paul Donovan, Saint Augustine's Church, 24 Amersham Hill, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

I had a very good example of Irishness from Mgr Paul Donovan a former parish priest in St Augustine’s Church, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.
I emailed Donovan about some abusive volunteers that conducted a food handout on behalf of St Augustine’s Church. It’s not rare to find a Church sanctioned charity in London with a bevy of ingrate bullying thugs attached. On the contrary, it’s actually rare to find a Church charity in London without some of these types onboard.
This fellow liked to throw his weight around but slunk away when challenged.
The person pictured right is just one of a number of St Augustine volunteers I’ve witnessed bullying and being abusive to homeless people on London’s streets.
He’d sometimes have a diminutive half-mad female with him. She was the type that would take on a bull in a head butting contest.
This is how Mgr Paul Donovan responded to my email:
Dear [...],
Your email seems somewhat at odds with the description of your encounter I have heard from people here. Having read the blog, I can see that your default position is fiery indignation. I doubt that anything I can say will extinguish that fire so I shall not respond to any further emails.
Paul Donovan
Parish Priest
Only a couple of hours elapsed between Donovan receiving my email and him responding to it. Hardly enough time for him to have looked into it at all.

Basically, Donovan told me to fuck off and stuff my complaint where the sun don’t shine. Which is just what I’d expect from a very probably grade inflated moron like him.
It’s sad though that in the very heart of England there still can be found parishes with utter braindead scumbags like Mgr Paul Donovan leading them. The same type of parishes that every so often puts together a bevy of sanctimonious virtue-signallers who go out on the streets of London to abuse people they assume don’t have the wit to lash back at them.